Use of self-acupuncture by people with migraine

Participants sought for survey exploring migraine and headache patients' views on the acceptability of self-acupuncture as a treatment option

What is the purpose of the study?

A team at the University of West London is conducting a survey about the acceptability of self-acupuncture for migraine and headaches.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, metal needles at various points on the body. Self-acupuncture involves patients being taught to insert a limited number of acupuncture needles into points on their own body in order to self-manage their own symptoms. 

What will the study involve?

The study will involve completing an online survey about your views on acupuncture and the acceptability of self-acupuncture as a treatment for headaches and migraines. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How to take part

For further details, and to complete the survey, please follow the following link: