Migraine treatment research study seeks trial volunteers
Participants sought for research study of an investigational medicine for individuals who have a history of migraine headaches
What is the purpose of the study?
This research study is studying the effects of rimegepant in a group of adults living with migraine.
Who can take part?
People who are:
- Aged 18 years and over
- Have been experiencing migraine attacks for at least one year
- Have at least four migraine attacks per month
- Have migraine attacks that on average last 4 – 72 hours if untreated
- Age of onset of migraine prior to 50 years of age.
What will the study involve?
This study will be conducted in four phases: pretreatment phase (including screening period and baseline period), treatment phase, open-label extension phase, and follow-up phase (after the end of treatment).
This is a double-blind study and will involve participants receiving either rimegepant or a placebo.
If you agree to take part, you will participate in the study for 24 months.
Where does the study take place?
The study will take place in Manchester, M27 8FF with approx. eight study visits to the clinic/hospital. You will be reimbursed any travel and accommodation costs up to the amount of £150.00.
How to take part
You can earn more about the trial and about participating here.