Female participants sought for observational migraine study

Observational study on the relationship between migraine and the perception of sensations within the body

What is the purpose of the study?

Interoception is described as the perception of sensations from inside the body including physical sensations such as heartbeat, respiration, fatigue and the autonomic (fight-or-flight) nervous system.

Interoception also interacts with external sensations (such as hearing and vision) thought, emotion and psychology. It is vital for human existence as it allows the nervous system to be informed about physiological needs and maintain homeostasis. This study aims to better understand the cause and purpose of migraine.

Who can take part?

  • Females aged between 25-45
  • Have at least 1 year history of migraine
  • Low frequency migraine i.e. 1-3 per month (or less frequent)
  • High frequency migraine i.e. 4 – 28 per month (need at least 2 days headache free).

OR: For the control arm of the study:

  • Females aged between 25 – 45 who do not get migraine or other headaches (does not exclude headaches with viral infections and other physical illnesses or injuries)

 What will the study involve?

  • Breathing task
  • An electroencephalography (EEG) session (In this, a fabric cap is placed over your head, and a number of spots of gel placed in this a similar consistency to hair gel, which will remain in your hair until washed out with water. This cap records the electrical signals your brain naturally generates)
  • Then you will perform the following stages:
    • 10 minutes of ‘resting state’, in which you sit relaxed and looking ahead, doing nothing in particular
    • 20 minutes of a heartbeat monitoring task. This will be broken up into short sections of around 30-60 seconds, and you simply need to try to sense your heartbeat, and count how many beats occur during that time
  • The study should take no more than 2.5 hours in total.

Where does the study take place?

Newcastle University Medical School. You will be reimbursed any reasonable travel expenses and additionally compensated £10.00 per whole or part hour for your participation.

How to take part

If you would like more information or have any doubt about your eligibility then please contact Siobhan Jones, Headache Nurse Consultant Siobhan.jones@newcastle.ac.uk. A pre-screen questionnaire will then be required to complete to confirm eligibility.

Once eligibility is confirmed then you will be offered a date and time to attend the Medical School where further questionnaires will be completed on your arrival prior to the practical aspects of the study.