Thank you for taking The Migraine Trust’s Workplace Pledge!

Your organisation has taken an important step towards ensuring people with migraine are supported at work

Check out the next steps below including the most important – communicating the pledge to your staff!

You will shortly receive an email from us with all the resources you need and will get a quarterly update too, so keep an eye on your inbox for helpful migraine resources, tips and ways to get involved.

As part of the pledge we will check in with your organisation after a year to find out about the progress you have made to demonstrate your commitment. Ensure we have a named contact at your organisation and update us if there are any staff changes

We would encourage your organisation to complete as many of these actions as you can!

  • Sharing The Migraine Trust information with staff, through formats such as posters in the workplace, or via internal communications/intranet
  • Making The Migraine Trust’s Migraine in the Workplace toolkit available for staff to access (for example via the organisation’s intranet)
  • Booking a Managing Your Migraine at Work presentation to raise awareness of migraine, common triggers and managing it in the workplace
  • Reviewing and addressing (as needed), common environmental triggers in the workplace, such as types of lighting in use, noise levels, stress and breaks
  • Ensuring there is access to a quiet room staff can go if they are experiencing migraine symptoms
  • Reviewing key policies (such as sickness policies, display screen policies) to ensure they align with best practice for supporting staff with migraine
  • Engaging with Migraine Awareness Week each September, including via external communications such as organisation’s social media channels
  • Offer flexible working, where possible, to enable staff to manage where and when they work
  • Add in a migraine action plan to keep track of how migraine is affecting staff members as part of their appraisals

Our communications guide gives you all you need to share the pledge internally. You can also the pledge logo both inside and outside your organisation.

Internal Comms guide-

Workplace Pledge Logo PDF

You can download our digital resources below, which contains factsheets on migraine, informative posters that you can print off and display in your workplace and our Migraine in the Workplace Toolkit.

Stages of a migraine attack factsheet

Migraine in the workplace toolkit

What is migraine? factsheet

The Migraine Trust Support Services

Migraine attack triggers factsheet

Once you’ve signed up you can show your commitment by sharing your support on your organisation’s social media channels. Here’s some draft copy you can use to start the conversation!

“We’ve signed @MigraineTrust‘s #WorkplacePledge! We’re committed to creating a culture where staff with migraine feel supported and understood. You can join us by signing the pledge here:”

I have always found it hard to explain what it is like to my managers when most companies have strict policies on sick leave and I force myself to work when I probably shouldn’t

Nick lives with chronic migraine