Migraine Awareness Week

Join us from 23 - 29 September 2024

1 in 7 people live with migraine.

Migraine has been dismissed for too long as ‘just a headache’, despite it being a complex and debilitating neurological disorder. We know that for those living with migraine it has a significant impact on their quality of life, impacting their mental health, relationships, education and ability to work.

We believe people with migraine deserve better and no one with migraine should have to cope alone.

Information about Migraine Awareness Week 2024 coming soon.

Interested in being a partner or supporting the campaign?

Just drop us a line press@migrainetrust.org

Migraine Awareness Week


You helped us raise awareness of what it means to live with migraine in the UK and we published our report, Heading in the wrong direction: Challenges in migraine care and why people with migraine deserve better


For Migraine Awareness Week you joined us in our campaign for better care and support for children and young people with migraine with the release of our report, Dismissed for too long: The impact of migraine on children and young people.


We released our report, Dismissed for too long, for Migraine Awareness Week.

Our report revealed the legacy of pain and damaged lives caused by the UK’s broken migraine healthcare system – from waiting years to be diagnosed to a lack of access to specialist care and new treatment. You, our supporters took the conversation of to social media, your local press and your local representatives.