What it’s like to be a young person with migraine

Migraine is a common condition. Many young people have it. Here is Xander's story.

Xander’s experience of migraine

“I always feel worried about getting a migraine.”

My migraine attacks have become more frequent

“I used to only have them a few times a year but now it is a few times a month.”

Xander, who has migraine

It is very hard when I have migraine attacks

“The pain is so bad it feels like I am going to die and I think it will never go away. It is really scary especially when I can’t feel my legs and hands and I hate it when my mouth and tongue go all numb and I hate being so sick.”

It’s frustrating as I feel like I have wasted time

“I always feel like I have wasted the day when I’ve had a migraine which makes me feel really sad.

“I’d like to have more sleepovers but I’m scared to in case a migraine starts.

“I love camping but I always feel worried about going because when I have a migraine I scream in pain and I know it will wake everyone up.”

Xander can still have fun

I hope they get better

“I don’t know what I have done to deserve getting migraine but I hope the doctors can invent some medication soon, that works.”