Collection boxes
Raise money and awareness
Different types of collections
Collections are a great way to raise money and awareness for The Migraine Trust. Small change can add up and make a big difference to people affected by migraine.
Collection tin
You can order a collection tin to have at home, in a shop, office or other local business. Make sure you have permission from the business before ordering your collection tin.
Order your tin by using the form at the bottom of the page.
Virtual collection
You can create your own virtual collection by setting up a fundraising page on JustGiving and sharing your page with your family and friends.
Set up your virtual collection
Hold a bucket collection
You can order a collection bucket to use at a collection. Popular locations for collections include; supermarkets, football grounds, tube or train stations. Make sure you have permission, in the form of a license, from the venue you’d like to collect at.
Order your bucket by using the form at the bottom of the page.
Paying in the collected money
There is a range of ways you can pay in the money from your collection tin.
Online and by telephone
You can pay by card online here or over the phone. If you pay the funds in online, please do get in touch to let us know. You can reach us at 0203 9510 150 or at
Please send your cheque (payable to The Migraine Trust) along with a note with your name, address and what your donation is for to: The Migraine Trust, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR.
Order form
Thank you for fundraising for us. You are raising vital funds for people with migraine, and awareness of it. We are here to help you, and let us know what you would like us to send you.